Arnold Schwarzenegger biography,Arnold Schwarzenegger is a famous hollywood actor.
Arnold Schwarzenegger was born July 30, 1947 in the village of Thal near the capital of Styria - Graz. His parents were Gustav Schwarzenegger (1907-1972) and Aurelia Schwarzenegger (1922-1998).Arnold Schwarzenegger is a famous hollywood star. The family lived in poverty, one of the most vivid memories of youth Arnold called the purchase of a refrigerator . His parents were very poor, and the house had no central heating, no TV or even a toilet - this restaurant was located in the backyard.Arnold Schwarzenegger is a famous hollywood star

Influenced by his father Arnold began playing football, but at the age of 14 years was carried away bodybuilding.Arnold Schwarzenegger is a famous hollywood star. He admired bodybuilding idols such as Reg Park, Steve Reeves, and Johnny Weissmuller, who are often seen in the movies. Tirelessly, day after day he visited the gym, although club did not work on Saturdays and Sundays, Arnold is still engaged and on weekends, he climbed through a window on a ladder.Arnold Schwarzenegger is a famous hollywood star.
In 1965, Arnold, aged 18 called in the Austrian army for 1 year, where he received military specialty driver of the tank. According to rumors only in the army for the first time Arnold began to eat meat every day.
During the service Arnold participated in the competition, "Mr. Europe" junior, and won, for the sake of competition, he went to the "AWOL", and then for two months was in a military prison (according to other sources - for two weeks in the guard house). Contrary ubiquitous view, this statement was not a debut, debut two years earlier on the lesser-known competition in Graz, where Arnold took second place.Arnold Schwarzenegger is a famous hollywood star.
As later described the future governor of California, he was able to find the time and place for training even during the military exercise, when a few weeks living in field conditions. It is equipped with the boom of the materials at hand, and kept it in the tank.Arnold Schwarzenegger is a famous hollywood star.
As later described the future governor of California, he was able to find the time and place for training even during the military exercise, when a few weeks living in field conditions. It is equipped with the boom of the materials at hand, and kept it in the tank.Arnold Schwarzenegger is a famous hollywood star.
"I made great progress in the initial phase of their training, when he served in the Austrian army, and had all sorts of cases. When we are in a period of six weeks participated in the maneuvers along the Czechoslovak border, I had to drive a tank for fifteen hours a day, pumping fuel by hand pump, "fight" with large fuel barrels and do repairs. We slept in trenches, or under the tanks and had to get up at six o'clock in the morning. But my friend and I got up at five, climbed into the tank compartment for tools, which kept their weights, and to the general advance practiced for an hour. After a day of the exercises we practiced one more hour. I can not imagine a more difficult environment for training and therefore affirm that finding the time and energy to the classes - it is a question of motivation and interest. This is always an athlete, in any situation will find time and place for training. "Arnold Schwarzenegger is a famous hollywood star.
Describing his service in the Army, Arnold told in his autobiography, with what impatience he waited for officers to proceed to the order of physical training, and the main result of the service called the substantial buildup of muscle mass.Arnold Schwarzenegger is a famous hollywood star.
Describing his service in the Army, Arnold told in his autobiography, with what impatience he waited for officers to proceed to the order of physical training, and the main result of the service called the substantial buildup of muscle mass.Arnold Schwarzenegger is a famous hollywood star.
After the army, in 1966 he moved to Munich, where he worked in the fitness club.Arnold Schwarzenegger is a famous hollywood star. During this period he lived not rich, some time had to sleep on the floor in the gym, have not been able to rent an apartment. As Arnold himself mentions in his autobiography, this time it behaves very aggressively, engaging in fights almost every day, and collecting fines for traffic violations, "I was like a bull, which its walking their meat." After a while he begins himself lead the gym, but while he is still a lot of debt.
Arnold Schwarzenegger is a famous hollywood star.In 1966, Arnold took the second prize at the Mr. Universe in London, giving the American Shetu Yortonu. This result was unexpected for him, Arnold originally hoped for no more than sixth - seventh place. In 1967 he won the title.
Arnold Schwarzenegger is a famous hollywood star.In September 1968, Arnold, age 21 arrived in America. By his own admission, at that time, he would not know English, and spoke with a strong accent, which made it difficult. According to Arnold, the move to the United States was his dream from 10 years. In the late 1960s and early 1970s, he was in the country illegally, violating the conditions of his visa. He started to work at the club Gold's Gym in Santa Monica, California, under the patronage of Joe Weider. In 1970, aged 23, won his first title of "Mr. Olympia in New York. In 1983 he became an American citizen retains the citizenship of Austria.Arnold Schwarzenegger is a famous hollywood star.
Arnold Schwarzenegger is a famous hollywood star.In September 1968, Arnold, age 21 arrived in America. By his own admission, at that time, he would not know English, and spoke with a strong accent, which made it difficult. According to Arnold, the move to the United States was his dream from 10 years. In the late 1960s and early 1970s, he was in the country illegally, violating the conditions of his visa. He started to work at the club Gold's Gym in Santa Monica, California, under the patronage of Joe Weider. In 1970, aged 23, won his first title of "Mr. Olympia in New York. In 1983 he became an American citizen retains the citizenship of Austria.Arnold Schwarzenegger is a famous hollywood star.
Arnold Schwarzenegger began his journey in bodybuilding at the age of 14 years. As he mentions in his autobiography, after his very first workout he was so tired that he could not even lift a cup of coffee.Arnold Schwarzenegger is a famous hollywood star. The main problem the initial phase of his athletic career he calls a lack of experience and knowledge about this relatively new sport when, like bodybuilding, "Looking back, I realize how little time we all knew." Speaking about his first victory in the competition bodybuilders, he remarked: "I did not have any swimming trunks, or oil for the body, no idea how to pose, only photos Rega Park.Arnold Schwarzenegger is a famous hollywood star.
However, he is making impressive progress, in "The Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding Arnold wrote that his hands were then expanded by half an inch in two months of training, and the total muscle mass - at twenty pounds a year. For his first title "Mr. Olympia" from Schwarzenegger took only five years, while others it takes up to 10 years. In part, he explains this genetic predisposition ( "Bodybuilding sometimes recalls the race between the hare and the tortoise"), noting however, that "a judge at competitions, appreciating athletes do not speak - the participant is trained a total of eight years, but the latter - better, because all trains Three years! ".Arnold Schwarzenegger is a famous hollywood star.
His main goal as a bodybuilder after moving to the U.S., he calls the goal "to trim brought from Europe, muscle mass, give it the desired form. The Encyclopedia of modern bodybuilding "Arnold wrote:" I was an apt pupil. I approached the judges, and asked what they think, I did wrong. " Much he learned from his "colleagues on the shop floor, including from his idol Rega Park after a personal acquaintance.Arnold Schwarzenegger is a famous hollywood star.
The hard work has brought many victories; a special place in his career took a victory in the competition "Mr. Olympia" in 1980, she became a surprise return after five years. Arnold notes that at this time, he found that during his absence due to the rising popularity of bodybuilding competition in the competition has increased significantly, by Wendy Leigh in "unofficial biography of Arnold Schwarzenegger's remarks that, if used to the level of Arnold approached three - four people, 1980, there have been dozens. In addition, in 1980, he was already more than thirty, as he writes in "The Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding", during the preparations he had to more carefully monitor their diet than when preparing for a previous year.Arnold Schwarzenegger is a famous hollywood star.
After 1980, Schwarzenegger has finally completed his career. However, he made a significant contribution to the popularization of bodybuilding, spreading his vast experience in books and magazines on bodybuilding. In 1988, organized its own contest Arnold Classic.

His main goal as a bodybuilder after moving to the U.S., he calls the goal "to trim brought from Europe, muscle mass, give it the desired form. The Encyclopedia of modern bodybuilding "Arnold wrote:" I was an apt pupil. I approached the judges, and asked what they think, I did wrong. " Much he learned from his "colleagues on the shop floor, including from his idol Rega Park after a personal acquaintance.Arnold Schwarzenegger is a famous hollywood star.
The hard work has brought many victories; a special place in his career took a victory in the competition "Mr. Olympia" in 1980, she became a surprise return after five years. Arnold notes that at this time, he found that during his absence due to the rising popularity of bodybuilding competition in the competition has increased significantly, by Wendy Leigh in "unofficial biography of Arnold Schwarzenegger's remarks that, if used to the level of Arnold approached three - four people, 1980, there have been dozens. In addition, in 1980, he was already more than thirty, as he writes in "The Encyclopedia of Modern Bodybuilding", during the preparations he had to more carefully monitor their diet than when preparing for a previous year.Arnold Schwarzenegger is a famous hollywood star.
After 1980, Schwarzenegger has finally completed his career. However, he made a significant contribution to the popularization of bodybuilding, spreading his vast experience in books and magazines on bodybuilding. In 1988, organized its own contest Arnold Classic.
Power indicators Arnold:
Bench press - 241 kg
Bob - 250 kg
Deadlift - 340 kg
Arnold Schwarzenegger is a famous hollywood star.
Anthropometric data:
Height - 188 cm
Weight - 109 lbs.
Biceps - 58 cm
Chest - 145 cm
Waist - 86,5 cm
Thigh - 72,4 cm
Shins - 54 cm
Bob - 250 kg
Deadlift - 340 kg
Arnold Schwarzenegger is a famous hollywood star.
Anthropometric data:
Height - 188 cm
Weight - 109 lbs.
Biceps - 58 cm
Chest - 145 cm
Waist - 86,5 cm
Thigh - 72,4 cm
Shins - 54 cm
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