Emmanuelle Beart biography
Emmanuelle Beart (Emmanuelle Beart) was born August 14, 1965 in France (some sources claim that the actress was born in 1963). Her father - a famous French singer Guy Beart. When parents divorce Emmanuel stayed with her mother. Since childhood Emmanuel was a beauty. When she was a teenager went to Montreal, then met with the famous director Robert Altman, and he persuaded Emmanuel become an actress. The fame brought her film «Manon des Sources» ( «Manon with sources") in 1986, and more than fame and "Cesar", as Best Supporting Actress. After the film was a few pictures (including a well-known in our country comedy «A Gauche en Sortant de L'Ascenseur» ( «the left of the elevator")).
The directors liked delicate beauty of Bear, and without the roles she sat. In 1991, the film «La Belle Noiseuse» ( «Beautiful argumentative"), Jacques Rivette with Emmanuelle Beart in leading role was the highlight of the year and won the main prize of the Cannes Film Festival. Incidentally, during the film Emmanuelle almost the entire picture is exposed, however, for French actresses, it has never been a problem. But "their" director Emmanuel lucky enough to meet only in 1992 - it was the famous Claude saute, whom she played a major role in the film "Heart of Winter". Cooperation with Sauteed gave Emmanuel a lot: she has grown as an actress, relax and adulthood. He became for Bear real friend and mentor, in an interview she said she often consults with him on many vital issues. "Heart of Winter" has received the Silver Lion at the Venice Film Festival and 2 premium "Cesar". Claude Come Emmanuel called again in 1995 in his film «Nelly et M. Arnaud »(« Nelly and Monsieur Arnaud "). The result was a remarkably thin and beautiful picture (not least thanks to the Bear), which won the César for best film of the year. By the time Emmanuel is already co-starred in two major scenes in his film career - is «L'Enfer» ( «Hell"), Claude Chabrol and «Une Femme Francaise» ( «The French woman") Regis Wargnier. "The French woman" the most famous in our country, the film with Bear. In 1995 he won the main prize of the Moscow Film Festival, and Emmanuel got the prize for Best Actress. It is so well played the heroine throwing between the two men, which Daniel Auteuil, who was her husband Bear in the film and in life, he preferred not to come to the shooting, when they filmed the scene with the heroine's lover, Emmanuel.
In 1996, Emmanuelle Béart starred in the American blockbuster «Mission: Impossible» together with Hollywood superstar Tom Cruise. This was the second American project after Bear maloudachnogo 1986 film «Date With an Angel» ( «Day with an Angel"). Bear went to the role of the French spy, and, of course, the film is mainly used her beauty and sex appeal. In an interview with Emmanuel said that it was a fun experience for her feel like a superstar and work in the film such a level, but it is not going to make a career in Hollywood. In France it - "national treasure", while the U.S. just a beautiful French actress. Emmanuel is well aware that Americans are interested only in their own cinema.
Life beauty Emmanuel has always been the object of attention of journalists. In 1984, the filming of «L'amour en Douce» ( «Secret Love"), Emmanuel met with the famous French actor Daniel Oteem ( "Queen Margot", "Girl on the Bridge", "Hunchback", "Escort"), which is older for 15 years, and fell in love with him. They have long lived together, and in 1993, Bear Oteya birth of a daughter. They were filmed together in several films and was one of the most beautiful pair of French cinema. However, a few years ago, the actors parted

. Since then, Emmanuel lives with Dany Moreau, and in 1996 bore him a son. His children and his private life jealously guards the actress from the media's attention, but the paparazzi are like Bear, apparently because she is very photogenic. Several years Emmanuelle Beart was the "face" of the famous firm «Christian Dior», but not so long ago it was replaced Russian fashion model Christina Semenovskaya.
In an interview with Emmanuelle Beart said she was very shy, and communicate with people for her problem. Therefore, it, for example, very tired of cooperation with "Dior". The most important thing in his life Emmanuel believes children, but is not going to sacrifice them for the sake of his career. She manages to combine motherhood and shooting several films a year. The incredible beauty Emmanuelle never suffered from lack of attention from men. But she did not consider the meaning of life and love do not believe in long relationships. Questions about the age of Bear says that approach has not yet feels old, but in future will do everything to make her move. She is on a diet and says that she very much rounded and feminine figure, which it bought after the second birth (word for word the same as its namesake says Seigner!). Emmanuelle Beart have a lot of fans, but at home the press has long proclaimed it one of the most beautiful women in French cinema.
In an interview with Emmanuelle Beart said she was very shy, and communicate with people for her problem. Therefore, it, for example, very tired of cooperation with "Dior". The most important thing in his life Emmanuel believes children, but is not going to sacrifice them for the sake of his career. She manages to combine motherhood and shooting several films a year. The incredible beauty Emmanuelle never suffered from lack of attention from men. But she did not consider the meaning of life and love do not believe in long relationships. Questions about the age of Bear says that approach has not yet feels old, but in future will do everything to make her move. She is on a diet and says that she very much rounded and feminine figure, which it bought after the second birth (word for word the same as its namesake says Seigner!). Emmanuelle Beart have a lot of fans, but at home the press has long proclaimed it one of the most beautiful women in French cinema.
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